Tuesday, April 28, 2020

C1.2 assessment

Hey, C1 crew.

I have fresh news about assessment and how the last module (March-June) of this rather odd 2019-2020 academic year is going to be organized. I’ll try to break the info down as clearly as I can and I urge you to email me at mudachickn@hotmail.com should there be details you need further information about. Alternatively, if there’s more granular stuff you want to discuss, we can do so on Skype next Monday. I also would like  to warn you that there might be changes but I frankly don’t think we should be expecting major ones at this point. Granted,  if there’s one thing this whole situation has made clear is that no plans are set in stone. In any case, it seemed more than reasonable to let you know about all of this sooner rather than later.

This information may prove a bit tough to understand. I apologise if the explanation is a bit convoluted. According, to the instructions we have received, a student whose mark in any given skill was 50% or higher at the end of the second module, that is, on the lists I posted on this blog in late March and early April, has already managed to pass that skill. If you have managed to get a pass in all the skills in the second module, you have earned right to enrol in C2 although you will not be given a C1 diploma.

The third module will end in mid June and it’ll be assessed online. You most probably won’t go back to school till September. I’ll keep proposing tasks for you to complete and giving you feedback. Presumably, there won’t be a final exam so your mark for whatever tasks you didn’t  manage to pass in March will be an average of the tasks you need to hand in during this last module.

In order for you guys to obtain your C1 diploma you would need to sit the usual certification test that will only take place once this year in September. You would have to get a global mark of 65% to pass the test and get a certificate. If your global mark is in the range of 50%-65% you would be able to enrol in the C2 class that will predictably be taught in our school starting in Autumn this year. Should your mark for any of the individual skills be lower than 50%, you would have to retake the C1.2 course.

A2. Tercer trimestre.

Os informo a continuación de lo que se sabe por el momento sobre la tercera evaluación. Si alguien tiene preguntas sobre este asunto, os animo a mandarme un mail a mudachickn@hotmail.com.

Según las directrices que hemos recibido,  cualquier destreza que estuviera aprobada en el segundo trimestre, estaría aprobada a todos los efectos. Algunxs de vosotros aprobasteis todas las destrezas en marzo. Bien, según dichas instrucciones esxs alumnxs habrían aprobado ya.

El curso se podrá aprobar también durante este trimestre  por evaluación continua y por destrezas ya que no se prevé que haya examen presencial hasta la evaluación extraordinaria de septiembre.  En este tercer trimestre, aunque se esté trabajando sobre algunos contenidos nuevos, la evaluación se centrará en los contenidos mínimos del primer y segundo trimestres. Así que seguiré proponiendo tareas que servirán para que sepáis como vais y para daros una nota del tercer trimestre por destrezas a mediados de junio. En septiembre se prevé que haya un  examen presencial para aprobar las destrezas que no se hayan superado.

Monday, April 27, 2020

A2 Week 7 chats

A2 students!!! Whoever wants to get individual practice on Skype next week, just needs to leave their  Skype username in the comment section below. We’ll deal with one of the oral interactions tasks I asked to work on.

Tengo planeada una actividad de practica de interacción oral individual por Skype. Lxs alumnxs que quieran participar tendrán que preparar las interacciones orales de la uno a la diez y dejar su nombre de usuarix en los comentarios.

C1.2 week 7 chats

I’m planning to have short one-on-one Skype sessions next week. Whoever is interested just has to leave their Skype username on the comments section, click on the link below, watch the clip, take extensive notes and prepare to have a conversation about free will vs determinism.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

C1.2 Week 6

Textbook. Unit 8.1. Pages 92 and 93.

I've got a few of your anecdotes via email already. Keep sending them! By the way, I haven't heard from Ruth, Lorena, Eli or Rafa for a long time. Guys, you were by far the most active students in the C1 A class before the lockdown. It'd be great if you guys could leave a comment and/or send me your anecdotes. I hope you're doing fine.

A2 Week 6

This week you don’t have homework from the textbook. But I need you to keep working on your oral interactions the way we did with practical English in class. Try working on 3 different ones everyday.  This week you should at least practise 10 interactions.


Oral Interaction 1 A

Talk to your partner about the things you do in your free time (sports, exercise, music, etc.), and find out if you have something in common. Try to interact as much as possible and avoid monologues.

Duration: 3 or 4 minutes.

Step 1. Try to think about 5 to 10 questions related to the topic.

1. What do you do in your free time?
2. What do you do for fun?
3. Do you enjoy practising sports?
4. What sports do you practise?
5. How often do you listen to music?
6. What about reading? Do you like reading?
7. What kinds of books do you like reading?
8. Are you interested in art?

Step 2. For each of the questions write down just one or two words to help you remember it.

1. free time
2. fun.
3. enjoy practising
4. sports practise?
5. listen to
6. what about.
7. kinds.
8. interested in.

Step 3. Ask and answer the questions out loud without reading from your notes.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

A2 Week 5


Practical English. pages 104 and 105.


Work with these two clips.

1. Listen and write down interesting vocab.
2. Listen again and stop the recordings after each question. Try to remember the answer and say it out loud.



Just watch this one about some briliant and some terrible dates. How much do you understand?

C1.2 Week 5

Pages 88, 89 (minus 5A, 5B and 6B) and 90.

1. Watch the clips below and choose one.
2.  Jot down vocab you may want to use when retelling one of these anecdotes.
3. Email me your 250-word first person retelling before Tuesday, 27 of April.


Sunday, April 12, 2020

C1.2 week 4


Pages 85, 86 and 87.


Work one of the following clips.

1. Watch all of the of the clips below and choose one to work with.
2. Select C1 combos in your anecdote and jot them down.
3. Retell the story or anecdote you chose making sure you use the slick new lexical gold you've just dug from the clip and striving to sound like the person that tells it




(whole thing)

(2:37- 4:34)

A2 week 4

Textbook. Unit 7C. Pages 102 and 103.

How to order drinks in a UK pub.

1. Listen and write down interesting vocab.
2. Listen again and repeat.
3. Listen again and stop the recording after each question. Try to remember the answer and say it out loud.
4. If you really want to challenge yourself, try to reproduce the whole conversation role playing all the characters involved


More of the same. 

How to order food in the U.S.

Same deal in Canada.

How to ask for and understand directions

Monday, April 06, 2020

A2 redacción

Good afternoon, A2 people. 

You can email me your written pieces (page 203) until April 16 at mudachickn@hotmail.com. 

Have a lovely break.

C1.2 Easter Challenge

Have lovely break