Wednesday, May 27, 2020

For-and-against essay

Will we find a way to make Spain a socially fairer, more environmentally sustainable country in the aftermath of this pandemic?

Monday, May 25, 2020

A2 week 10

Textbook. Pages 118 and 119.

We're having our usual Skype sessions on Tuesday and Thursday. Remember that you had to prepare oral interaction tasks 1-18. (dialogos del uno al dieciocho).

C1.2 Week 10

Textbook. Pages 100 and 101.

Those of you who are interested in writing our last piece of the year can do so on Wednesday. You’ll have one hour to write a 250 for and against essay whose subject matter I’ll let you know about on Wednesday at 19:00 sharp. I’ll be expecting your pieces emailed to me by 20:00. Those of you who have already passed their writing won’t have to take this test and can have their Skype sessions at the costumary time on Wednesday. If you have any questions about this we can discuss them during today on Skype.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

C1.2 assessment news

This information was taken from today’s BOJA.

Las pruebas específicas de certificación de los niveles Intermedio B1, Intermedio B2 y Avanzado C1 en los idiomas alemán, árabe, español como lengua extranjera, francés, inglés, italiano y portugués correspondientes a la convocatoria ordinaria se realizarán en la primera quincena del mes de septiembre de 2020 y las correspondientes a la convocatoria extraordinaria en la segunda quincena del mes de octubre de 2020, conforme al calendario que establezca el órgano competente de la Consejería de Educación y Deporte.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

A2 listening and reading

Most of the students who hadn’t yet passed their reading and/or listening comprehension tests either sent me screenshots or told me about their results yesterday on Skype. There are only a few who still have to do this. Here are some more tasks for those who want to practise and those who still haven’t done the ones I sent last week.

Listening comprehension

Reading comprehension

Sunday, May 17, 2020

C1.2 week 9

Textbook. Unit 8.3. Pages 98 and 99. (The function section in this unit may quite helpful to prepare your oral interactions in the coming weeks and in the run up to your certification test.

Skype session. Oral expression tasks 1 to 9. September 2018.

A2 week 9

Textbook. Unit 8B. Pages 116 and 117.

We're having our usual Skype sessions on Tuesday.  Remember that you had to prepare oral interaction tasks 1-18. (dialogos del uno al dieciocho). Also, I'll ask those of you who had to do their listening and/or reading tasks how they went and give you instructions for this week.

Tarea de mediación. You have 20 minutes to write an 80 word informal email to your Scottish friend Diane explaining her what the Seville Fair is, what people eat, drink and do, the kind of clothes people wear, why it is so popular, etc. Only those of you who didn't pass their mediation test in March need to write this. The deadline is Friday 22.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A2 Listening

Para prepararos una prueba de listening que os propondré la semana que viene os animo a  hacer las siguientes tareas. Podéis escuchar la grabación dos veces y tenéis dos minutos antes de cada tarea para leer la misma, un minuto entre la primera y la segunda escucha y otro minuto al final. Una vez pulséis una opción,  aparece en la pantalla si es la correcta (verde) o incorrecta (rojo). Por supuesto, una vez que se elija una respuesta, no está permitido cambiarla. Si os parece útil podéis usar un papel en sucio o incluso imprimir los ejercicios. Cada vez que completéis una tarea, apuntad la puntuación y acto seguido comenzáis la siguiente. El martes en la sesión de Skype os preguntaré por dicha puntuación a lxs que tuvierais el listening pendiente.

A2 Reading

Para prepararos una prueba de reading que os propondré la semana que viene os animo a  hacer las siguientes tareas. Son ejercicios de varios tipos. Una vez elegida una opción,  aparece en la pantalla si es correcta ( verde) o incorrecta (rojo). Por supuesto, una vez que se elija una respuesta, no está permitido cambiarla. Si os parece útil podéis usar un papel en sucio o incluso imprimir los ejercicios. Cada vez que completéis una tarea, apuntad el resultado obtenido. El límite de tiempo es 30 minutos. El martes en la sesión de Skype os preguntaré por la puntuación a lxs que tuvierais el reading pendiente.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


I started putting together this list of links on Saturday but after our Skype sessions yesterday I realized you probably don’t need help looking for sources of info. Just in case some of you do, though, here are some motley clues as to where you might want to look and whom you might want to lend your ears to. These are just some ideas about the first four tasks; should there be a subject that proves particularly tricky to find info on, give me a shout and I ll do my very best to come up with some sources you can use. Happy hunt.

Task 1A

Task 1B

Task 2A. 

Task 2B (I wonder whether fracking billionaires are showering so many millions on this bloke to say crap like this that he s actually become convinced that he s just telling it like it is or he s just blind to the facts even if he calls himself a scientist. PragerU and Breitbart...if you wanna find out what billionaires want your average Joe to believe the world is like, check them out. PBS special on the 2018 IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report.

Task 6B  crashcourse breaking down the so-called big five (2:00- and other takes on personality 1 out of 6 clips. It's part of a BBC special on delvelopmental psychology and trait theory (more on the big five, basically).  this clips pretty much covers the three questions

Task 7A Alain de Botton on what makes work fulfilling and meaningful

Task 7B scishow on vaccines Kurzgesagt on vaccines

Task 8A precision, imprecision and the problem with who wrote a provision and when did they write it open to interpretation? On new laws for new realities It's probably off-topic but I just couldn't help myself. 1 ouf of 10 programs that look at the philosophical underpinnings of law and analyse the key ideas of different political thinkers and philosophers.

Task 8C

First impressions. Gender biases, racial biases


En la página de la EOI se publicó el jueves pasado un documento aprobado ya por el consejo escolar sobre los cambios en el sistema evaluación de los que os informaba a través del blog el día 28 de marzo.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

C2 week 8

Textbook. Pages 96 and 97. 

I'll be talking to you tomorrow. I remind you we'll be working with "monologos" 1-7 this week and 1-9 next week. Tomorrow, I will also suggest tasks you have to complete next week if you need to pass your listening or reading during this last module.

A2 week 8

Textbook. Pages 114 and 115.

Write the biography of a member of your family or a friend of yours. Do not write about a famous person!!! 120 words. Study page in your textbook 204 to get some ideas and learn how to organize your information in paragraphs.

Solo las alumnas y alumnos que no aprobaron la destreza "writing" tienen que hacer esta tarea. Hay que entregarla antes del viernes que viene.  Por favor, seamos seri@s y escribamos las redaciones como lo hacíamos en clase. Una vez que  comencéis la tarea, tenéis 35 minutos para acabar  y no podéis utilizar diccionarios, apuntes, libros de texto, internet, etc. Algunas de las redaciones que se me entregaron la ùltima vez no se ajustan a esta forma de trabajar.  

B1 es un curso duro. Aunque se puede superar en un año hay muchisimo alumnado que se pasa varios años en ese curso sin poder superarlo por que llegan sin base suficiente de A2. Bastantes simplemente abandonan sin obtener el título de B1. Dada la situación actual no tengo más remedio que calificar lo que me entregáis aún a sabiendas de que hay gente que esta siendo honesta y otras personas que obviamente estan aprovechando de la situación. 

Wednesday, May 06, 2020


I was hoping we could devote our one-on-one Skype sessions in coming weeks (week 8 onwards) to killing three  birds with one stone: practise your speaking using sample tests (pruebas de certificación), try to promote to C2,  prepare for the certification exam in September . You can start working on task 1 type prompts( monólogos) from September 2017-2018 (modelos 1-7). You’ll be allowed only a couple of minutes preparation time since you already know what the actual tasks are. 

Also, for those of you that didn't sit the second module tests or didn't succeed in getting a pass in listening or reading comprehension, I'll suggest listening and reading tests (probably pruebas de certificación or CAE sample tests) you can take at home, self-assess and let me know what marks you got. 

Monday, May 04, 2020

Sunday, May 03, 2020

A2 week 7

Textbook. Unit 8A. Pages 114 and 115.

We have Skype sessions this week. Please, don't be late to your individual appointments! Thank you.

C1.2 week 7

This week, on top of preparing for our Free Will vs. Determinism one-on-one session on Skype, you might want to keep pushing ahead with your textbook work: pages 94 and 95. I wanted to ask you to please be available on Skype a couple minutes before your individual appointments so that things run as smoothly as possible. Thanks a lot in advance.