Wednesday, May 06, 2020


I was hoping we could devote our one-on-one Skype sessions in coming weeks (week 8 onwards) to killing three  birds with one stone: practise your speaking using sample tests (pruebas de certificación), try to promote to C2,  prepare for the certification exam in September . You can start working on task 1 type prompts( monólogos) from September 2017-2018 (modelos 1-7). You’ll be allowed only a couple of minutes preparation time since you already know what the actual tasks are. 

Also, for those of you that didn't sit the second module tests or didn't succeed in getting a pass in listening or reading comprehension, I'll suggest listening and reading tests (probably pruebas de certificación or CAE sample tests) you can take at home, self-assess and let me know what marks you got. 


Rafa Morales said...

I totally agree with you about your online hunting options for this last part of the English C1.2 classes, and for your comments about listening and reading part, and the way to work them this last period. I need to confess that I was utterly upset in all its meanings (unhappy, disappointed, worry, distress, trouble, discompose, dismay, unsettle disconcert, disquiet, bother, agitate, fluster, throw, pull to pieces, wring out, sudden, grieve, unnerve, shake...) after knowing the decisions made by EOI about promotion based on the 1str and 2nd terms. But it´s better the happy endings!!! That´s why I´ll continue with your plan. It´ll be good practice for the certification exam in September.
Keep hard and stay put!!!!!

Rafa Morales said...

Hi June, I´m September!!!

The promotion is not any personal aim, I want the certification just in case any Secondary Education CEO comes out with the idea of a new law in which a mandatory C1 level is needed for bilingual teachers!!!! EOI is not the perfect environment to "enjoy mastering a language" although I have done my best trying to catch all the positive things around it. Maybe I´m too old or I have a weakened background. Nevertheless, I´ve improved a lot, but not at the high requirements EOI demands. What happened days ago was the last straw that broke that camel´s back!!!!! jjjjjejje

Ok, finishing with my therapy moment of the day!!!

Stay safe

Lola said...

Nacho, if I'm right, you mean that we have to work on all the speaking sample tests given for the next Skype sessions, is it?

Rocío Mondaca said...

All right, Nacho! I'll do it.

Rafa, I must confess that my first impression with this assessment instructions was a high disappointment too, but then, I had a deep breath and assumed that there's no much we can do about that and that difficult situations involve difficult measures, in all likelihood, not satisfying anyone.

By the way, I've just discovered the expression "Misery loves company" talking about this. XD

Rafa Morales said...

JJjjaj sth is moving on!!!!! Online rioters!!!! what´s a state-of-the-art way of protest!!!! Thanks for sharing Rocío

nacho said...

The rest have already confirmed they re up for it next week. Rafa and Lola?


Ruth 18:00
Lorena 18:15
Adriano 18:30
Rafa 18:45?
Rocio 19:00
Lola 19:15?

Rafa Morales said...

Yes, of course, count on me! 18:45 Monday

Lola said...

Ok Nacho I'll give myself a chance. My Skype username is Lola Gijon

Lorena said...

Sorry nacho, I have a class on monday at 18, can we meet at 17:45?

nacho said...

Ok, Lola.
Fine, Rafa.
Alright, Lorena. TTY on Monday at 17:45.